Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Simple Beauty of Sacred Motherhood

Where does one even begin with expressing the sheer brilliance of this book. 
 Let's start with the basics, shall we...

 Sacred Motherhood was beautifully written by Anni Daulter and Niki Dewart. In lieu of traditional chapters, they sectioned the book into 4 parts based on the Season of the year and 52 easy to read weeks. The pages are full color and illustrated with beautifully inspirational photography, along with a couple pages for journaling at the end of each week.

Now that I have covered that, let's delve a little deeper. This is not just another book on parenting. Yes, in each week there are suggestions for activities and mindful parenting, but this book is about you - The Mother. More importantly, it's about you as a woman stepping into the roll as Mother and the Sacredness of the journey.  This, I feel, is where parenting books fall short. But Anni and Niki have done a lovely job at focusing on guiding the reader on living each day in sacredness and beauty. The art and inspiration lends itself to Eastern Philosophy and the Divine Feminine, but this is a very personal book and the teachings can be personalized to whatever Spiritual or Religious practice you follow. As you weave your way through the pages, your heart opens to the Great Web that binds us together. Turning with the seasons you will learn ways to nourish yourself and your relationship as a mother and partner, both body & soul. Everyday tasks become an act of sacredness. Week after week, the conversation unfolds deep lessons from the readings to the self discovery of journaling. Anni & Niki artfully explore ways in which you can approach motherhood with grace and reverence.  

As for those weekly readings, did I mention they are short and easy to read. However, this is where the genius comes in. When you sit with the reading and actually apply it to your daily life, you realize that you are digging deeper into yourself, your spiritual life, and your journey as a Mother. 52 beautifully challenging weeks of total immersion into Sacred Motherhood. Once finished, you may want to keep it handy! 
As a Mother who raised her kids to adulthood, I could have read this over again just to stay inspired and connected. I plan on trying it as a Grandmother, since that is a whole new uncharted journey on the horizon soon.

 Having spent the majority of my adult life in Women's Healthcare, I can't begin to express how our culture forgets the importance of nurturing the Mother. Yet the bar of expectation is high for her right after she leaves from giving birth. If you are fortunate enough to have a nurturing support system then you are blessed and this book will help you to stay inspired through the days of little sleep, or "job" burnout.

 But if you are like most women, this book could very well be your lifeline!  I would be remiss not to mention that it doesn't stop there. Over the past few years, Anni has worked diligently to create and online network through Social Media that consists of all types of women who are on the same journey. If you are not familiar with her work, I encourage you to jump feet first into the rabbit-hole!

The release date is July 5th, 2016 and you can click (HERE) for the Amazon link.

May you be ever Blessed in wonderment and love through this amazing journey we call Motherhood.

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